well experienced and Ready To Deploy for you
Get access to a huge talent pool of Local software developers with diverse skill sets and expertise aligned with your business objectives.
We provide knowledge transfer and make sure your development team remains motivated and has personal growth opportunities.
☑ Vetted software engineers go through English language screenings, coding challenges, and live technical interviews.
☑ Mid to senior-level software engineers with a minimum of 3+ years of experience offer expertise in a vast array of languages and systems.
☑ Remote engineering talent from emerging markets are quickly onboarded to deliver value immediately.
☑ Oracle
☑ PostgreSQL
☑ Clickhouse
☑ Tarantool
☑ MongoDB
☑ DynamoDB
☑ Azure CosmoDB
☑ Cassandra
☑ Jenkins
☑ GitLab Ci
☑ AWS Code Pipeline
☑ Azure DevOps
☑ Nexus
☑ Docker
☑ Nagios
☑ Zabbix
☑ Prometheus
☑ Grafana
☑ Elastic Stack
☑ Telegraf
☑ Budget
☑ Terraform
☑ Ansible
☑ Packer
☑ Kubernetes
☑ Docker
☑ Swarm
☑ Consul
☑ Azure
☑ Oracle Cloud
☑ Azure DevOps
☑ GitDocs
☑ Jira
☑ SonarQube
☑ WhiteSource
☑ Sentry
☑ HAProxy
☑ Nginx
☑ Hashicorp Vault
☑ Kafka
☑ RabbitMQ